Reale Arena

Reale Arena de noche

The Reale Arena is a stadium awarded the Prix Versalles for Sports in 2020 for innovation and creativity, a clear reflection of the local heritage and the energy efficiency of the stadium. In addition to hosting top-level football matches, its multidisciplinary nature makes it possible to carry out different activities there.

It is one of the reference stadiums on a national and international level and the various spaces it contains make it possible to celebrate different types of events in a unique setting.

Reale Arena has a varied offer of up to 30 spaces, a gastronomic offer with identity, a multitude of ideas and careful staging to celebrate any type of event so that your guests will want to repeat.

Hospitality Puerta 0 625 450 625 NO* NO*
Auditorio 273 NO NO 163 163
Media Center - Sala de Prensa 200 NO NO 99 99
Media Center – Zona Mixta 200 NO NO 150 75
Premium Norte 175 120 175 100 50
Premium Sur 175 120 175 100 50
Tunnel Reala 160 NO NO NO* NO
Palco Grande 37 12 20 20 15
Palco Pequeño 18 8 12 10 8
Palco Presidencial 150 80 120 80 40
Atrio Hospitality Este 565 350 565 NO* NO*
Atrio Hospitality Principal 870 550 870 NO* NO*
Atrio Hospitality Norte 100 60 100 70 35
Atrio Hospitality Sur 97 36 97 60 30
Vinoteca (Korner Atotxa) 172 80 172 130 70
Korner Ondarreta 148 50 114 60 32
Korner Anoeta 230 90 230 140 70
Korner Zubieta 239 70 239 100 50
Keler Espazioa 300 150 300 150 100
Terraza Atotxa 266 NO* 266 NO* NO*
Terraza Ondarreta 280 NO* 280 NO* NO*
Terraza Anoeta 295 NO* 295 NO* NO*
Terraza Zubieta 285 NO* 285 NO* NO*

NO* : As spaces are so versatile, this code is used to indicate that distributions may vary according to need.

Catering: Bokado (Non-exclusive)



Auditorio Reale Arena Korners Reale Arena Palco Presidencial Reale Arena Vinoteca Reale Arena Atrios Reale Arena Sala de Prensa Reale Arena Media Center Reale Arena Terraza Reale Arena Hospitality Puerta 0 Reale Arena Panoramica Reale Arena