Major congresses in Donostia / San Sebastián in May

congresos mayo 2024

May is going to be a month packed with events with the arrival of a variety of national and international congresses and meetings, that mainly focus on the field of science. Here we highlight some of these:

International Quantum Matter Conference – 7th – 10th May

The 4th International Quantum Matter Conference - QUANTUMatter 2024- will be held from the 7th to the 10th of May at the Kursaal in San Sebastián and aims to bring together the various international communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and matter.
During the event tutorials, specific workshops and keynote talks will be provided related to these cutting-edge issues.
Around 500 people are expected to take part in this year’s event.

Bioequity Europe – 12th – 14th May

The Kursaal Congress Centre will be the main backdrop for the BioEquity Europe congress from the 12th to the 14th of May.
BioEquity Europe stands out as the major event for the biotech industry in Europe, that brings together investors and CEOs in a conducive environment for making connections and debating about the critical challenges faced by the sector.
This congress will bring the most important biotech companies together with specialised investors, in order to try and identify new business opportunities and to create synergies through collaborative meetings.
Around 1,000 people are expected to attend this event.

48th Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Offshore Conference 2024 PSA

From the 10th to the 15th of May, the Maria Cristina Hotel in San Sebastián will be hosting the 48th Conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.
The Conference stands out as one of the most successful educational events for pharmacists in Australia, and also has the reputation of delivering a highly relevant, top-quality educational experience. The 2024 programme will address issues ranging from therapeutic updates to autoimmune diseases, common health problems and business management.
Around 200 pharmaceutical professionals are expected to take part in this conference.

Travel Blogger Exchange Europe (TBEX) – 28th – 31st May

The international TBEX congress will take place from the 28th to the 31st of May at the Kursaal in San Sebastián and will bring together about 500 of the most outstanding international creators of travel and lifestyle content.
The TBEX will be offering specialised workshops and working sessions that address a wide range of issues, such as storytelling, writing techniques, photography, video creation or podcasting, among others.
This international event provides an opportunity for professional networking and for learning from success stories in the world of social media, influencers and marketing. 

See congress agenda