Major congresses in Donostia / San Sebastián in June

congresos junio 2024

Donostia/ San Sebastián will be hosting a number of national and international congresses and encounters in June. A few of the major events are as follows:


5 - 7 European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB) - KURSAAL

The European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress will be held from 5 to 7 June at the Kursaal Conference Centre. A Satellite Workshop will also be staged on 4 and 5 June for researchers working on initial phases, and this will be attended by 50 students.

The congress is jointly organised by the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE), the French Biophysical Society (SFB) and the Portuguese Biophysical Society (SPBf), for the purpose of bringing scientists together to present leading research work in the field of biophysics.

The Donostia/San Sebastián encounter is the first round of a regional agreement by the three societies to organise regular conferences showcasing biophysics, particularly among young scientists in southwest Europe.

Some 350 participants are expected at this event.


7 - 9 Bioterra – FICOBA

The FICOBA trade fair facility will be the venue from 7 to 9 June for the 21st Bioterra, a Basque Country event to promote environment-friendly products, bioconstruction, renewable energies and responsible consumption.

This event is presented as a platform focusing on sustainable development and environmental awareness. It is a three-day encounter of bioproducts, healthy food, sustainable fashion and artisan crafts.

There will also be a packed schedule of activities, including exhibitions, product-tasting and workshops.

Approximately 10,000 visitors are expected at the fair.


11 - 14 International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM) – KURSAAL

The 25th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2024) will be held from 11 to 14 June at the Kursaal Conference Centre.

The main objective of this congress is to establish a space for discussion of the essential principles of laser precision microfabrication, and to keep ahead of trends in the sector.

Miniaturisation and high precision are becoming requirements in many industrial processes and products, leading to increasing interest in the use of laser micro fabrication.

The LPM is alternately held in Japan and in other host countries. This year Donostia joins other host cities such as: Omiya, Singapore, Osaka, Munich, Nara, Williamsburg, Kyoto, Vienna, Quebec, Kobe, Stuttgart, Takamatsu, Washington D.C., Niigata, Vilnius, Kokura, Xi’an, Toyama, Edinburgh, Hiroshima, Dresden and Hirosaki.

Almost 300 participants will be at the symposium.


11 - 13 Azti Summer School - GES4EAS European Project – AQUARIUM

The theme for AZTI's 20th Summer School, to be held from 11 to 13 June at San Sebastián's aquarium, is "Bridging the Gap Between Marine Science and Policy: Communicating for an Informed Society and Decision-Making".

The course will present, both theoretically and practically, different tools and methods for better transmission of ideas, towards an effective connection between science and policy. To achieve this objective, three sections have been arranged, each with their own target audience, combining the experiences of scientists, journalists, practitioners and managers seeking to make science part of political decision-making.

The course targets scientists who have reached various stages in their careers, communicators, managers and policy-makers.

Some 70 participants are expected to attend.


24 - 27 Sol Skymag 2024 - International Conference on Magnetism and Spintronics - MIRAMAR JAUREGIA

The Miramar Palace will be the venue from 24 to 27 June for the 8th Sol Skymag 2024 International Conference (Sol Skymag is an abbreviation of Solitons and Skyrmion Magnetism).

The main objective of the conference is to assess the status, recent progress, and development in the field of nanomagnetism and spintronics. It is an international forum to discuss recent progress and trends in the field, and to explore potential future collaboration.

In particular, it seeks to bring together the community of leading researchers working in areas such as nanomagnetism, spin dynamics and spin transport, and to table proposals for their potential applications.

Some 60 practitioners are expected at Sol Skymag 2024.


See congress agenda